J Korean Ophthalmol Soc > Volume 54(10); 2013 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ophthalmological Society 2013;54(10):1610-1613.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3341/jkos.2013.54.10.1610    Published online October 15, 2013.
A Case of Intravitreal Cysticercosis with Neovascular Glaucoma.
Jae Sang Ko, Gyu Ah Kim, Joo Youn Shin, Suk Ho Byeon
1Department of Ophthalmology, EYE and ENT Hospital, Severance Hospital, The Institute of Vision Research, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea. shbyeon@yuhs.ac
2Siloam Eye Hospital, Seoul, Korea.
신생혈관녹내장이 동반된 유리체강내 유구낭충증 1예
Department of Ophthalmology, EYE and ENT Hospital, Severance Hospital, The Institute of Vision Research,
Yonsei University College of Medicine1, Seoul, Korea
Siloam Eye Hospital2, Seoul, Korea
To introduce a case of intravitreal cysticercosis presenting as neovascular glaucoma. CASE SUMMARY: A 42-year-old female who lives in the Philippines visited our clinic complaining of reduced visual acuity and decreased visual field in her right eye. She was treated at another clinic for neovascular glaucoma and posterior uveitis. Initial best-corrected visual acuity was 0.7 and intraocular pressure was 13 mm Hg with Goldmann applanation tonometry. Slit lamp examination showed inflammatory cells in the anterior chamber and vitreous with florid new vessel on iris. On fundus examination, a cystic lesion without movement was observed in the superonasal vitreous as well as tractional band. As other retinal vascular diseases were not observed on fluorescein angiography, the patient was diagnosed with secondary neovascular glaucoma due to cysticercosis. After a single course of intravitreal bevacizumab injection and cyst removal with pars plana vitrectomy, the best-corrected visual acuity was 0.5 and intraocular pressure was 14 mm Hg without recurrence of iris neovascularization during the 3 months of follow-up.
Key Words: Intravitreal cysticercosis;Neovascular glaucoma

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