The Comparison of Clinical Outcome after Ahmed Valve Implantation and Molteno Implantation. |
Hak Su Kyung, Tae Woo Kim, Ki Ho Park |
1Department of Ophthalmology, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea. 2Kong Eye Center, Seoul, Korea. 3Artificial Eye Center of Clinical Research Institute, Seoul National University Hospital Seoul, Korea. |
Ahmed 장치와 Molteno 장치의 삽입술 후 입상양상 비교 |
경학수 ( Hak Su Kyung ) , 김태우 ( Tae Woo Kim ) , 박기호 ( Ki Ho Park ) |
Abstract |
PURPOSE To compare clinical outcome after Ahmed valve implantation and Molteno implantation with tube ligature and releasable internal stent insertion METHODS: The medical records of 56 eyes, which were followed up more than 6 months, after either Ahmed valve implantation (20 eyes, group A) or Molteno implantation (36 eyes, group M) were reviewed retrospectively. Preoperative and postoperative intraocular pressure (IOP) at 1 day, 1 week, and 1, 2 and 6 months and the number of glaucoma medication were measured. Comprehensive success was defined at IOP less than 22 mmHg or when there was a 30 % reduction of preoperative IOP regardless of glaucoma medication. Qualified success was defined at IOP less than 22 mmHg regardless of glaucoma medication. Complete success was defined at IOP less than 22 mmHg without glaucoma medication. RESULTS: There is no statistical significance in postoperative IOP at all the times between groups A and M (p>0.05). Comprehensive success rate between groups A (75.0 %) and M (91.7 %) was not statistically significant (p>0.05). Qualified success rate between groups A (65.0 %) and M (86.1 %) was not statistically significant (p>0.05). Complete success rate between groups A (10.0 %) and M (30.6 %) was not statistically significant (p>0.05). CONCLUSIONS: There was no statistically significant difference in the success rate at postoperative 6 months between Ahmed valve implantation and Molteno implantation with tube ligature and releasable internal stent insertion. |
Key Words:
Ahmed valve implant;Complete success;Comprehensive success;Molteno implant;Qualified success |