Vitrectomy in Severe Giant Retinal Tear. |
Jin Seob Lim, Young Gil Park, Man Seong Seo |
1Department of Ophthalmology, Chonnam National University College of Medicine, Korea. 2Chonnam National University Research Institute for Medical Sciences, Kwangju, Korea. |
심한 거대망막열공에 있어 유리체절제술 |
임진섭 ( Jin Seob Lim ) , 박영길 ( Young Gil Park ) , 서만성 ( Man Seong Seo ) |
Abstract |
PURPOSE To determine the results of pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) for the treatment of severe giant retinal tear. METHODS: We analyzed the clinical records of patients who had 150degrees or greater of giant retinal tear and underwent PPV. RESULTS: Of all 10 patients (10 eyes), 7 were male patients and mean age was 29.8 years. Giant retinal tear was idiopathic in 6 eyes and traumatic in 1 eye, and occurred after vitrectomy in 3 eyes. Primary operations were scleral buckle in 1 eye, PPV with intraocular gas injection in 2 eyes and with silicone oil (SO) injection in 7 eyes. In 3 eyes without SO injection, secondary operations were PPV with intraocular gas injection in 1 eye and with SO injection in 2 eyes. In 1 eye with PPV and intraocular gas injection, tertiary operation was PPV with SO injection. Removal of SO was done in all 10 eyes and SO was re-injected due to proliferative vitreoretinopathy in 2 eyes. Visual acuity was counting fingers or worse in 8 eyes before the primary operation and, on the final visit, 0.1 or better in 6 eyes and 0.3 or better in 3 eyes. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that PPV with SO injection might be better for the treatment of severe giant retinal tear than with intraocular gas injection. |
Key Words:
Giant retinal tear;Pars plana vitrectomy;Silicone oil |