Phacoemulsification in Hypermature Cataract. |
Hong Seok Hwang, Hyung Joon Kim |
Department of Ophthalmology, College of Medicine, Taegu Catholic University #3056-6 Daemyung-4-dong, Nam-ku, Taegu, Seoul, 704-718, Korea. |
과숙백내장에서의 수정체유화술 |
황홍석(Hong Seok Hwang),김형준(Hyung Joon Kim) |
Abstract |
Phacoemulsification in hypermature cataract has not been recommended for routine procedure because of the difficult techniques and the possibility of high complication rates.48 eyes of 48 patients with hypermature cataracts were operated with phacoemulsification by one surgeon.The complications related to the status of continuous circular capsulorrhexis (CCC) were prospectively studied for three years.25 eyes (52.1%)had complete CCC and 23 eyes (47.9%)had incomplete CCC, and in 6 (12.5%)of these 23 eyes, posterior capsular rupture was occurred.Decentration of intraocular lens more than 1mm, occurred in 4 eyes (8.3%)with 3 or more radial tears. These results shows that phacoemulsification in hypermature cataract can be considered relatively safe procedure with recent techniques.CCC is also regarded as one of the most important procedures in hypermature cataract as in normal cataracts in reducing complications during and after the operation. |
Key Words:
CCC;Hypermature cataract;Phacoemulsification |