The Postoperative Recovery of Ocular Motility in Pediatric Blow-out Fracture. |
Hee Wan Yang, Jae Hyoung Bae, Ho Cheon Lee |
Department of Ophthalmology, College of Medicine, Konyang University, Seoul, Korea. |
소아 안와 골절 환자에서 수술 후 안구 운동 회복 |
양희완 ( Wan Hee Yang ) , 배재형 ( Jae Hyoung Bae ) , 이호천 ( Ho Cheon Lee ) |
Abstract |
PURPOSE To evaluate the clinical presentation, type of fracture, time of intervention and postoperative restoration of ocular motility disturbance in pediatric blow-out fracture. METHODS: The authors reviewed medical records of 30 consecutive cases which were operated for blowout fracture from January 1998 to December 2000. RESULTS: The most common cause of injury was violence (80%). The most common location of fracture was inferior wall (50%), followed by inferior-medial wall (30%). The most common type of fracture was trap door type fracture. The trap door type fracture showed much severe ocular motility disturbance preoperatively. Six cases of trap door fracture showed ocular motility restriction postoperatively. Early surgical intervention (within 5 days) resulted in a more complete return of ocular motility compared with the late intervention group (p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Trap door fracture was the most common type of orbital fracture in the pediatric age group. Early surgical intervention within 5 days will improve ocular motility postoperatively. |
Key Words:
Ocular motility;Pediatric blowout fracture;Trapdoor fracture |