Comparison with Cycloplegic Refraction after Single-dose At ropinization and Three-day At ropinization at Esotropic Children. |
Seok Joon Kang, Jae Bong Kim, Yeoung Geol Park |
Department of Ophthalmology, Chonnam University Medical School, Korea. |
소아 내사시 환자에서 1 일과 3 일 동안 Atropine 점안의 조절마비하 굴절검사 비교 |
강석준(Seok Joon Kang),김재봉(Jae Bong Kim),박영걸(Yeoung Geol Park) |
Abstract |
We compared cycloplegic refraction after convenient, less toxic single-dose atropinization with conventional three-day atropinization in esotropic children. We examined sixty children below eight years of age with esotropia. Their eyes were examined by cycloplegic refraction at 90 and 120 minutes after administering a drop of atropine twice at five minutes interval. After eight applications for three days, we performed cycloplegic refraction of their eyes. In the two groups, spherical equivalent and spherical power were statistically significantly different, and it had no statistical significance between the measurement of single-dose atropinization plus 0.5 diopter and three-day atropinization. The side effects were found lesser in single-dose application than conventional three-day applications. The results showed that single-dose atropinization can be substituted for conventional three-day atropinization in clinical practice. |
Key Words:
Atropine;Cycloplegic refraction;Single-dose atropinization;Three-day atropinization |