Experimental Evaluation of Intravitreal Perfluorodecalin and Silicone Oil in the Rabbit as a Long-acting Intraocular Tamponade. |
Hyung Woo Kwak, Dae Ho Kim, Jae Myung Kim |
Department of Ophthalmology, College of Medicine, Kyung Hee University, Korea. |
가토의 유리체강내 장기간 안내 충전물로서의 Perfluorodecalin 과 실리콘유 주입후의 실험적 고찰 |
곽형우(Hyung Woo Kwak),김재명(Jae Myung Kim),김대호(Dae Ho Kim) |
Abstract |
Perfluorodecalin, which is one of the perfluorocarbon liquids, is not established safety in use of long-acting intraocular tamponade. Therefore, to determine its safety we injected it alone and combined with silicone oil into the vitreous of vitrectomized eyes. We evaluated the changes of the fundus, electroretinogram, histopathology as light and electron microgragh after lensectomy and vitrectomy in pigmented rabbits periodically. In rabbits replaced with perfluorodecalin alone, fundus showed mild proliferative vitreoretinopathy and micrographs showed the destruction of the inner and outer segments of the photoreceptors. In rabbits replaced with perfluorodecalin and silicone oil, fundus showed more severe proliferative vitreoretinopathy than perfluorodecalin alone and micrographs showed the destruction of the entire retina. In electroretinogram, the amplitude was decreased markedly. So, it is considered that perfluorodecalin was not tolerant in case of longacting intraocular tamponade and also perfluorodecalin combined with silicone oil developed severe proliferative vitreoretinopathy. |
Key Words:
Perfluorodecalin;Silicone oil;Vitrectomy;Retinal toxicity |