Suture Tension Adjustment of Single Running Suture in Penetrating Keratoplasty. |
Joon Hong Son, Hungwon Tchah, Yong J Kim |
Department of Ophthalmology, Ulsan University College of Medicine, Asna Medical Center, Seoul, Korea. |
단일연속봉합에 의한 전층각막이식술후의 봉합사 장력조정에 의한 난시교정 |
손준홍(Joon Hong Son),김용제(Yong J Kim),차홍원(Hung Won Tchah) |
Abstract |
We performed suture tension adjustment (STA) in 8 patients who had undergone penetrating keratoplasty with 10-0 nylon running suture closure. 3 to 8 weeks after the surgery, STA was done by loosening the suture tension at the steep meridian and tightening at the flat meridian, guided by automatic keratometery, keratoscopic finding and manifest refraction. Pre-STA astigmatism of 6.27 +/- 1.84 diopter(D) was changed to 1.94 +/- 1.40D immediately after the adjustment. Post-STA astigmatism regressed mostly within two weeks of adjustment, remaining stable thereafter: In one case, suture breakage occurred during adjustment, and resuturing was done using a new 10-0 nylon tied to the broken ends without serious sequela. |
Key Words:
Astigmatism;Penetrating keratoplasty;Single running suture;Suture tension adjustment |