Two Cases of Ischemic Retinopathy due to Intravitreal Gentamicin Toxicity after Vitrectomy. |
Dal Jun Chung, Soo Hwan Choi, Shin Dong Kim |
Department of Ophthalmology, Kosin Medical Center, Korea. |
초자체절제술후 Gentamicin 독성으로 생각되는 허혈성 망막증 2 예 |
김신동(Shin Dong Kim),최수환(Soo Hwan Choi),정달전(Dal Jun Chung) |
Abstract |
Retinal toxicity secondary to intravitreal injection of gentamicin for the purpose of prophylaxis or treatment of endophthalmitis was reported infrequently and it was thought to be caused by an error in the intravitreal injection technique or by faulty dilution of gentamicin. After vitrecotomy, we experienced two cases of ischemic retinopathy secondary to intravitreal injection of gentamicin for prevention of endopthalmitist. |
Key Words:
Endophthalmitis;Intravitreal injection of gentamicin;Ischemic retinopathy;Retinal toxicity;Vitrectomy |