Journal of the Korean Ophthalmological Society 1992;33(7):649-652.
Published online July 1, 1992.
A Study on the Anatomical Position of the Inferior Oblique Muscle Insertion in Primary Inferior Oblique Overaction.
Tae Kyun Kim, Jong Bok Lee
Department of Ophthalmology, Yonsei University, College of Medicine, Secul, Korea.
원발성 하사근 기능항진에서 하사근 부착부의 해부학적 고찰
김태균(Tae Kyun Kim),이종복(Jong Bok Lee)
We reviewed the relationship between primary inferior oblique overaction and the anatomical position of the inferior oblique muscle insertion. We measured the distance from the limbus to the lower portion of the lateral rectus muscle insertion and from the lower portion of the lateral rectus muscle insertion to the anterior portion of the inferior oblique muscle insertion. Of 79 eyes examined, there were exotropia and primary inferior oblique overaction in 23 eyes and exotropia only in 56 eyes. There was no statistically significant difference of the insertion site between the two groups (IOOA group and non-raOA group). It is ours impression that the anatomical position of the inferior oblique muscle insertion is not closely related to primary inferior oblique overaction, and a histopathologic change of the inferior oblique muscle is an important factor in primary inferior oblique overaction.
Key Words: Anatomical position;Inferior oblique muscle insertion;Primary inferior oblique overachon

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