Investigation for the Uses of Topical Ophthalmic Drugs Without Doctor's Prescription. |
Hyun Joon Park, Jin Hak Lee |
Department of Ophthalmology, College of Medicine, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea. |
일반인의 점안약 사용 실태에 대한 조사 |
이진학(Jin Hak Lee),박현준(Hyun Joon Park) |
Abstract |
A questionnaire to investigate the uses of topical ophthalmic drugs without doctor's presciption was made up to the general public. The subjects of study were 446 outpatients' guardians, and 46.1% of them had an experience of purchasing the topical ophthalmic drugs without doctor's prescription. The main cause of purchasing the drugs is conjunctival hyperemia. The kinds of drugs used were 8 of anti-infectives, 5 of corticosteroids, 5 of decongestants, and 2 of others, of which the decongestants were the most purchased drugs without doctor's prescription. About one third of them used the drugs irregulary, or more than 1 month. The rate of no improvement after the use of drugs was 58.8%. |
Key Words:
questionnaire;topical ophthalmic drugs |