Ultrastructure of Langerhans Cell and Expression of HLA-DR Antigen in Normal Limbal Conjunctiva. |
Myung Kyoo Ko, Shin Hwan Joo, Joon Kiu Choe |
Department of Ophthalmology, School of Medicine, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea. |
정상결막윤부에서 Langerhans 세포의 미세구조 및 HLA-DR 의 표출 |
고명규(Myung Kyoo Ko),주신환(Shin Hwan Joo),최준규(Joon Kiu Choe) |
Abstract |
We have observed the ultrastructures of Langerhans cell in the normal limbal eonjunctiva by electron microscopy and expression of HLA-DR antigen by peroxidase-antiperoxidase(PAP) method in the normal limbal conjunctiva. In electron microscope, Langerhans cell had no junctional complex like desmosome, irregular and invaginated nucleus, and characteristic Birbeck granlues in the cytoplasm. In PAP method, HLA-DR-positive cells were found in basal or suprabasal layer of conjunctival epithelium as dendritic form. |