The Effect of The Levator Resection on Congenital Blephareptesis. |
Yoon Sang Jung, Byung Kook Park |
Department of Ophthalmology, College of Medicine, Busan National University, Busan, Korea. |
선천성 안검하수증에 대한 상안검거근의 절제술의 효과 |
박병국(Byung Gook Park),정윤상(Yoon Sang Chung) |
Abstract |
Authors studied 73 patients(91 eyes) of the congenital blepharoptosis who were received the levator resection at Busan National University Hospital during recent 4 years and could do follow up studies for at least 6 months(average 9.7 months). Results obtained as follows; 1. Success rate of the levator resection was 67 percents. 2. Causes of the levator resection were poor levator function of 2 to 4 mm or combined anomalies, such as superior rectus weakness, epicanthus, and blepharophimosis. 3. Average amount of the levator resection per 1 mm difference of levator function was 1. 85 mm. 4. It was concluded that the primary surgical indication for the congenital blepbaroptosis of simple type with the levator function of 5 mm or more was resection of the levator muscle. |