Journal of the Korean Ophthalmological Society 1982;23(3):491-497.
Published online March 1, 1982.
The Effect of The Levator Resection on Congenital Blephareptesis.
Yoon Sang Jung, Byung Kook Park
Department of Ophthalmology, College of Medicine, Busan National University, Busan, Korea.
선천성 안검하수증에 대한 상안검거근의 절제술의 효과
박병국(Byung Gook Park),정윤상(Yoon Sang Chung)
Authors studied 73 patients(91 eyes) of the congenital blepharoptosis who were received the levator resection at Busan National University Hospital during recent 4 years and could do follow up studies for at least 6 months(average 9.7 months). Results obtained as follows; 1. Success rate of the levator resection was 67 percents. 2. Causes of the levator resection were poor levator function of 2 to 4 mm or combined anomalies, such as superior rectus weakness, epicanthus, and blepharophimosis. 3. Average amount of the levator resection per 1 mm difference of levator function was 1. 85 mm. 4. It was concluded that the primary surgical indication for the congenital blepbaroptosis of simple type with the levator function of 5 mm or more was resection of the levator muscle.

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