A Case of Lacrimal Gland MALT Lymphoma in a Patient with Primary Sjögren's Syndrome. |
Hyo Won Kim, Yoon Mi Sung, Ji Sun Baik, Suk Woo Yang |
Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Science, Seoul St. Mary's Hospital, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea. yswoph@hanmail.net |
일차성 쇼그렌 증후군 환자에서 발생한 눈물샘의 점막연관 림프조직형 림프종 1예 |
김효원⋅성윤미⋅백지선⋅양석우 |
가톨릭대학교 의과대학 서울성모병원 안과 및 시과학교실 |
Abstract |
PURPOSE To report a case of lacrimal gland mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) lymphoma in a patient with primary Sjögren's syndrome and Behcet's disease. CASE SUMMARY: A 49-year-old female patient with primary Sjögren's syndrome and Behcet's disease presented with a one-year history of painless upper and lower eyelid swelling in her right eye. Lacrimal gland incisional biopsy was performed, and the patient was diagnosed with malignant lymphoma (extranodal marginal zone B cell lymphoma of MALT). No distant metastases were detected on whole-body computed tomography or positron emission tomography, and the patient was treated with Rituximab, Cyclophosphamide, Vincristine, Prednisone (R-CVP) regimen chemotherapy. After 8 consecutive chemotherapy cycles, her eyelids appeared normal externally, and partial regression was found radiologically. CONCLUSIONS: The possibility of MALT lymphoma should be considered as a differential diagnosis if patients with autoimmune diseases such as primary Sjögren's syndrome show eyelid swelling or palpable mass. |
Key Words:
Autoimmune disease;Behcet's disease;Lymphoma of lacrimal gland;Mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) lymphoma;Sjögren's syndrome |