Analysis of Ocular Complications and Blowout Fracture in Orbital Blunt Trauma. |
Jae Wan Lim, Jae Ho Yoo, Ki Yup Nam, Seung Uk Lee, Sang Joon Lee |
Department of Ophthalmology, Kosin University College of Medicine, Busan, Korea. |
안구 둔상에 의한 안구합병증과 동반된 안와골절에 대한 분석 |
임재완⋅유재호⋅남기엽⋅이승욱⋅이상준 |
고신대학교 의과대학 안과학교실 |
Sang Joon Lee, Email: |
Received: 11 February 2016 • Revised: 14 April 2016 • Accepted: 16 June 2016 |
Abstract |
PURPOSE To help predict the severity of ocular complications in orbital blunt trauma by analyzing clinical features of ocular complications and orbital wall fracture. METHODS: A retrospective survey consisting of 169 eyes of 168 patients with orbital blunt trauma who visited Kosin University Gospel Hospital was performed. The patients' age, gender, height, weight, cause of accident, and ocular complications were investigated. The patients were imaged using computer tomography and divided into two groups according to whether they had orbital wall fracture: the orbital contusion group and the orbital wall fracture group. Variables of orbital wall fracture, including the location, length, width, and area were measured using computer tomography in the orbital wall fracture group. RESULTS: The incidence of ocular complication was 27 of 67 eyes (40.2%) in the orbital wall fracture group and 75 of 102 eyes (73.5%) in the orbital contusion group; ocular complications were found significantly more often in the orbital contusion group than in the orbital wall fracture group (p < 0.001). Among causes of the accident, 'flying object' showed the highest incidence of ocular complication at 40 of 48 eyes (85.1%). In the orbital wall fracture group, there was no significant difference in orbital fracture location, length, width or area between the ocular complication group and the non-ocular complication group. CONCLUSIONS: Ocular complications were found significantly more often in the orbital contusion group than in the orbital wall fracture group, and 'flying object' showed the highest incidence of ocular complication among causes of the accident. |
Key Words:
Blowout Fracture;Blunt trauma;Ocular complication |