J Korean Ophthalmol Soc > Volume 56(2); 2015 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ophthalmological Society 2015;56(2):162-167.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3341/jkos.2015.56.2.162    Published online February 15, 2015.
Comparison of Diplopia and Ocular Torsion Rate in Blow-Out Fracture Patients.
Kyoung Lae Kim, Sung Pyo Park, Hyoung Kyun Kim
Department of Ophthalmology, Kangdong Sacred Heart Hospital, Hallym University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea. doctura@naver.com
안와골절 환자에서 수술 전후의 복시와 안구회선의 비교
한림대학교 의과대학 강동성심병원 안과학교실
We compared ocular torsion rates in blow-out fracture patients before and after blowout fracture repair by analyzing mean disc foveal angles. METHODS: The study participants were divided into 2 groups: blow-out fracutre repair patients (n = 36) and controls (n = 36). We measured ocular torsion rates by analyzing mean disc foveal angle. The angle was composed of 2 imaginary horizontal lines which crossed the optic disc center and fovea. We compared statistically ocular torsion rates in blow-out fracture patients based on subsided diplopia, continued diplopia, or absence of diplopia before and after blow-out fracture repair using paired t-test. RESULTS: In the patient group, ocular torsion rates were statistically significantly decreased. In the blow-out fracture repair group with subsided diplopia, ocular torsion rates were decreased statistically from 7.74 +/- 3.48 degrees before blow-out fracture repair to 5.02 +/- 3.11 degrees after blow-out fracture repair. In the blow-out fracture repair group with continued diplopia or absence of diplopia before surgery, ocular torsion rates did not change statistically significantly from 6.36 +/- 2.80 degrees before blow-out fracture repair to 6.51 +/- 3.24 degrees after blow-out fracture repair. CONCLUSIONS: Subsided diplopia after blow-out fracture repair and ocular torsion rate changes were significantly related in blow-out fracture patients. Further research which on the correlation of intraorbital change and movement of orbital position after blow-out fracture repair with ocular torsion rates are necessary.
Key Words: Blow-out fracture;Cyclotropia;Diplopia;Disc foveal angle;Ocular torsion

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