Clinical Characteristic of Lacrimal Ductal Cyst. |
Seung Whan Bay, Joo Heon Roh |
Department of Ophthalmology, Kosin Medical College, Pusan, Korea. |
누선관 낭종의 임상고찰 |
배성환(Seung Whan Bay),노주헌(Joo Heon Roh) |
Abstract |
PURPOSE Through 13 cases of lacrimal ductal cysts which were diagnosed by clinical or histopathological findings, we investigated the clinical characteristic and the effect of cyst excision on lacrimal secretion. METHODS: As a primary treatment, cyst excisions(6 cases), marsupialzations(4 cases), and needle aspirations(3 cases) were performed and their results were compared. Pre-and postoperative lacrimal secretion tests(Schirmer I & BST) were performed on 10 cases which underwent cyst excision either primarily or secondarily(due to recurrences). A biochemical analysis of cyst fluid and serum IgA level was also done on 7 cases. RESULT: There were no recurrences on 6 surgically excised cases, but 1 out of 4 cases with marsupia-lizations and all 3 cases with needle aspirations recurred and underwent cyst excisions secondarily. Two out of 10 surgically excised cases showed reduced value of postoperative lacrimal secretion tests. Cyst fluid IgA levels were higher than that of serum in all 7 cases. CONCLUSION: The higher cyst IgA level may signify the presence of an active secretory precess within cyst walls. A complete cyst excision seems to be the best treatment choice for the prevention of recurren-ces and marsupialization is also considered as an alternative treatment modality. The cyst excision itself does not seem to affect lacrimal secretion. |
Key Words:
BST;Cyst excision;Lacrimal ductal cyst;Lacrimal secretion test |