A Case of Positron Emission Tomogram(PET) study in Head Injury with Visual Field Defect. |
Su Hyun Kim, Young Hoon Ohn, Han Yong Jung |
1Department of Ophthalmology, Soonchunhyang University Hospital. 2Department of Neuropsychiatry Soonchunhyang University Medical College. |
양전자방출단층촬영 ( PET ) 으로 진단한 두부손상 시야결손 1 례 |
김수현(Su Hyun Kim),온영훈(Young Hoon Ohn),정한용(Han Yong Jung) |
Abstract |
PURPOSE We report a case of head injury patient that showed a typical glucose hypometabolism in Positron Emission Tomogram(PET). But that case shows no abnormal finding in ophthalmological and radiological study except homonymous hemianopsia. METHODS: A 22 year-old female patient was referred for the ophthalmologic handicap check-up. She had past history of brain injury by traffic accident an 1 year ago. Her corrected visual acuity was 1.0 and IOP was normal. She did not show the opthalmologic, neurologic abnormality, and electrophysiologic examination except for the left homonymous hemianopsia on visual field test. Computerized Tomogram(CT) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging(MRI) study show no abnormalities. Positron Emission Tomogram(PET) was performed to find an visual cortical lesion. RESULTS: Positron Emission Tomogram(PET) show diffuse hypometabolism in the bilateral posterior frontoparietal cortex and associated hypometabolism in the visual cortex. |
Key Words:
Head injury;Positron Emission Tomogram(PET);Visual cortex |