Strabismus with Ocualr Motility Disturbance after Molteno Implant. |
Won Woo Kim, Hee Wan Yang, Ho Chun Lee |
Department of Ophthalmology, Kim'sEye Hospital, Seoul, Korea. |
Molteno 녹내장장치 삽입술 후 발생한 사시와 안구운동장애 |
김원우 ( Won Woo Kim ) , 양희완 ( Hee Wan Yang ) , 이호천 ( Ho Chun Lee ) |
Abstract |
PURPOSE We experienced a case of ocular motility disturbance with esotropia and hypotropia, following implantation of Molteno to the superotemporal quadrant. METHODS: The patient recovered to orthophoria after removal of implant and fibrotic scar tissue with recession and resection. RESULTS: Multiple complications have been reported in association with Molteno implantation, including hypotony, cataract, choroidal hemorrhage, retinal detachment, endophthalmitis, hyphema, phthisis. However ocular motility disturbances have been documented in only a few cases and never in Korea to our knowledge. Therefore, we report this case with the review of related literatures. |
Key Words:
Complication;Molteno implant;Ocular motility |