5 cases of Infected Hydroxyapatite Orbital Implant. |
Su Jin You, Hee Wan Yang, Ho Cheon Lee, Sung Joo Kim |
1Department of Ophthalmology, College of Medicine, Konyang University, Seoul, Korea. eye111@channeli.net 2Department of Ophthalmology, College of Medicine, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea. |
Hydroxyapatite 안와삽입물의 감염 5예 |
유수진 ( Su Jin You ) , 양희완 ( Hee Wan Yang ) , 이호천 ( Ho Cheon Lee ) , 김성주 ( Sung Joo Kim ) |
Abstract |
PURPOSE To describe the rare condition of an infection of hydroxyapatite orbital implant in five patients who had undergone seemingly uncomplicated evisceration and implantation of hydroxyapatite orbital implant. METHODS: The infection of hydroxyapatite orbital implant developed from 6 months to 6 years (mean 3 years 4months) after evisceration and from 3months to 6years (mean 2years 7months) after drilling. In all cases, lid swelling, conjunctival injection and implant exposure were observed. In 3 cases, the hydroxyapatite orbital implant was removed and Medpor(R) implantation was done. In 2 cases, the hydroxyapatite orbital implant was removed and dermis fat graft was done simultaneously. RESULTS: In all five cases the inflammation signs disappeared and conjunctival sac was well formed for artificial eye fitting after treatment. CONCLUSIONS: We experienced 5 cases of infected hydroxyapatite orbital implant, and treated them successfully. |
Key Words:
Hydroxyapatite;Infection;Orbital implant |