A Case of Neuromyelitis Optica in Children. |
Kee Sang Kim, Duck Young Sun, Young In Choi |
Department of Ophthalmology, Hanil General Hospital. |
소아 시신경 척수염 1례 |
김기상(Kee Sang Kim),선덕영(Duck Young Sun),최영인(Young In Choi) |
Abstract |
Neuromyelitis optica (Devic`s syndrome) is a rare demyelinating disorder of unknown etiology in which unilateral or bilateral optic neuritis and transverse myelitis occur within an 8-week time interval. It is 8 disorder that occurs more common in children than in adults. The prognosis is better in children than in adults. The authors experienced 8 case of neuromyelitis optica in a 5-year-old female who developed acute visual loss of the left eye, sensory loss below the 4th thoracic derinatoine, paraplegia, fever and nuchal ridigity ; all following viral prodromes. We diagnosed this case through neurologic features, magnetic resonance imaging, and cerebrospinal fluid findings. She has irnproved without any specific treatment. |
Key Words:
Neuromyelitis optica;Optic neuritis;Transverse myelitis |